Claim Line

01245 449 060

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Head Office

Chelmsford, Essex CM2 5LB

What is care home insurance?

A specialist Care Insurance policy ensures your residents, service users, care workers and business are covered from specific risks – giving you peace of mind.

Since March 2020, when the world was plunged into a pandemic, the care sector has been thrown into the spotlight (coming as no surprise, with around 410,000 residents in care), and the need for residential care homes has only increased. Now, more than ever, it is important to make sure you have a tailor-made policy for your organisation, from an insurer that understands the risks faced on a day-to-day basis.

With around 5,500 care home providers in the UK, varying in size, the offering varies considerably in providing care, support, supervision and mentoring services across all age groups. Having an insurance policy that includes specific extensions to cover sector specific risks is highly important. If you do not have a specialist care policy when a claim arises, there may not be cover in place.

Tell us about your care business – we’ll help you to build your specific cover requirements and will highlight the differences between various insurers’ quotations.

Directors and Officers Insurance

How would you fund the legal costs and awards made against you?

Call for a quote

01245 449 060

Make an enquiry

What type of claims and what types of care are covered?

Ascend’s care insurance products will provide cover against a vast range of risks including:

  • An accident involving a visitor at your care home
  • An incident involving a member of staff
  • An accident whilst providing aid to a service user
  • Failure to provide correct treatment
  • Failure to perform medical practice
  • Property damage
  • Abuse

Claims arise at unexpected times, that’s why our experience in the care sector is so important.

At Ascend we have been developing our relastionships with insurers to be able to cater for:

  • Nursing and residential elderly care homes
  • Homes for residents with disabilities and additional needs
  • Dementia care homes
  • Carers visiting private homes
  • Hospices and palliative care homes
  • Homes for people with mental health problems
  • Children’s homes
  • Care agencies and care recruitment agencies

Some of our insurers still include Covid-19 within their public liability policy, which is an exclusion upon many insurers.

We also have insurers that provide additional support such as managing complex risks, safeguarding incidents, providing traning, advice and professional support.

Why does your care business need Directors and Officers Insurance?

Directors and Officers insurance, also known as Directors and Officers Indemnity insurance, offers financial protection against any claims for compensation made against trustees of charities. In key charity posts, there’s a heightened level of responsibility and public accountability. Directors and Officers liability cover offers protection if a volunteer, service recipient or member of the public claims a director or officer has acted wrongfully. This type of insurance is vital for each and every organisation.

We go into much greater detail on the Directors and Officers Insurance page of our website.

FAQs about Care Insurance

Yes, most insurers now include Covid-19 exclusions in their policy wording. We have insurers that include Covid-19 in their public liability policy on our panel.

Directors and officers can be held personally responsible for decisions and actions made on behalf of their organisation. They may also be sued or prosecuted for any mistakes and their consequences, during the performance of their duties. Areas that can be claimed against can be discrimination and harassment, negligence, defamation, corporate manslaughter and misleading information.

COVID-19 We have a detailed Covid-19 hub for any questions you may have. We also provide free consultations outside business hours.
  • The type of care provided
  • The type of service users being cared for, and their requirements
  • Number of care home locations
  • Number of residents
  • The care home setting
  • Financial projections of the care business
  • Previous claims history
  • Sums insured

Your insurance could include employers’ and public liability insurance, plus medical malpractice, abuse insurance, trustee indemnity insurance, professional indemnity insurance, motor insurance, personal accident insurance, business interruption insurance, buildings and contents insurance, engineering, cyber insurance, third-party hacking and scamming, fidelity guarantee, health and safety disputes, and legal expenses cover.

Please contact Stuart Belbin or you can book a 15 minute consultation by visiting Book an appointment

Public liability insurance covers you if a resident, visitor or any other third party makes a claim against your business relating to injury or property damage.

Employers’ liability protects staff and volunteers for incidents that occur in the work place.

Coverage includes the actual, alleged, or threatened abuse, molestation or exploitation by anyone of any person while in the care of an insured.

Cover for your care home(s), office contents and contents.

Your residents’ personal effects can be covered against fire and theft.

Covers legal costs and compensation payments that may be due if your service users take legal action against you for a mistake you made when providing professional services.

Business interruption insurance provides cover for the financial losses due to an interruption to a business caused by material damage to property.

Covers your commercial legal expenses and provides protection against the potential costs of legal action brought by or against your business.

We have a large panel of insurers that are able to provide cover, from one care business vehicle, eg. a minibus, to a fleet.

What services do we offer?

Stuart Belbin Cert CII

Please contact Stuart Belbin, who heads our charity division, for all charity enquiries. Stuart has been specialising in EPL Insurance for a number of years and would be more than happy to discuss your needs. Stuart’s contact details can be found below or, if you would prefer, please complete the contact form at the bottom of this page and Stuart will contact you at your convenience.

Account Executive
M: 07736956221   E:

In the Press

Charities Management – Insurance
for charity homeworkers

Essex Business Wire Magazine
November 2020